Bing me, baby!
It's Cherry Season!

And what are these beauties, you ask?? Why, they are none other than my amazing gifts from my amazing One Skein Secret Pal. This yarn is Great Adirondacks Wool Homespun, 85 wool and 15 silk, in a beautiful pastelly colorway. The package also had a great candle from Bali, a cabled hat pattern for the yarn, and a really nice card. We have a lot in common (it seems) in that we both seem to have had really frustrating grad student experiences. But we made it, didn't we! Thanks Secret Pal!
And last, but never least: like Father, like Daughter. Here's a candid shot of daddy and campbell, enjoying a little r & r on Father's Day. Both relaxed, both with mouths open. :)
The pictures of the yarn look great and thanks for the nice words about them.
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