knot another hat

adventures in owning a hip and knitworthy yarn store


No news is ___ news

I don't know how to fill in the blank above. I don't exactly have good news, but nor is it bad. I apologize for not posting for so long after such a heavy message. I thought if I waited long enough I would be able to post that all was well and Keith was on his way to a full recovery. But his condition is very, very serious still, and we are still hanging on to some kind of crazy roller coaster that none of us wanted to ride.

But I did finish the socks Melponeme suggested I make for him, and they are modeled here (oops - pic coming soon) by his son, my husband. I did them out of Austermann Step, because I thought the Aloe and Jojoba in the yarn would help the healing along. It will be quite a while before he will be able to wear them, but we have told him they are finished and waiting for him, and we think he understands even if he can't respond right now.

And since I did a lot of anxious sitting over the last 10 days, I also finished 2 more Mother's Day socks (out of a total six needed), bringing me to the halfway point (and also marking 4 1/2 socks in 7 days - a personal record). I never actually posted about this, but I planned to make 3 pairs of socks for Mother's Day gifts. I'd show you pics, but I don't know if there are any lurkers out there who are the intended recipients, so I can't risk it.

In other news, if all is stable with Keith I will be heading to the TNNA Retailer's Retreat in Denver this weekend. I have been very excited about this trip, but with the current situation I'm not so jazzed. I know it will be a great event, but I will be distracted and worried that whenever the phone rings it will be bad news.


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